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Plane Hangers 飞机式创意衣架挂钩设计

发布时间:2015-12-07 14:36:43 访问次数:952次

Plane Hangers 飞机式创意衣架挂钩设计,是一个模仿二战飞机而设计出来一款多用途衣架,它符合人体工程学的架构,用户可以挂领带、围巾、西服,各式鲜亮的颜色让你的耳目为之一新。



Chetan Sorab would like to share some playful thought with you adults who still want to enjoy the same fun of the kids. Or even more fun. The new designs are colorful cloth hangers that have the same shape of the early World War aircrafts, and therefore each of them features an ergonomic handle for the users to hang ties or scarves. Also, those handles enable the users to reach for and carry the hangers more easily. Smart, colorful, lightweight and durable, this cloth hanger is surely a playful alternative to store your clothes.

Hangar inspires from early World War aircrafts. Its is a fun hanger for storing clothes in the closet. Kids at home would love playing with a fleet of them. It is also easy to carry them as the tail forms a ergonomic handle to hook on the the other hangers.

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