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Wireless Keyboard | 世界上最薄的无线键盘

发布时间:2015-12-07 15:16:56 访问次数:834次

World’s Thinnest Wireless Keyboard,世界上最薄的无线键盘;由英国的剑桥硅谷公司开发设计的厚度仅为0.5mm的超薄无线键盘,采用最尖端的材料,内嵌电路板技术,整个键盘薄如纸,通过蓝牙来链接电脑设备。

Recently, a British company Cambridge Silicon Radia has published a super thin wireless keyboard that is only 0.5mm in thickness. It uses cutting-edge soft, printable circuit technology to compact tranditional keyboard into a paper thin peripheral that can be placed on any smooth surface and work efficiently with a response time of 12 milliseconds through Bluetooth Smart. Besides, it endorses handwriting input and gesture typing, moreover, its size can be customized. Very cool, don’t you think.

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