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china daily 双语新闻:神曲吃货歌中英文歌词

发布时间:2014-11-14 06:02:20 访问次数:996次

china daily 双语新闻:神曲吃货歌中英文歌词
《吃货歌》的中英文歌词如下:   《舌尖中国》又开播   "A Bite of China" broadcast again   献给全国的吃货   Dedicate to the chowhound of our country   讲美食的节目里   in the cooking programs   看得人家肚饿饿   i see and let me hungry   山珍海味轮番下锅   Table delicacies from land and sea turns the pot   家乡味道最难得   the taste of home is the best   问你能不能给我   i ask if you can give me   给我一个肉夹馍   give me a chinese hamburger   一万个吃货说   Many chowhound say   不能回到从前了   Can not return to the past   爱吃没有后悔过   I like to eat and i have no regret   只是体重怎么破   But worry about my weight   一万个吃货说   Many chowhound say   哥们吃的是寂寞   I eat something is lonely   吃完想起二师哥   After eating and i think of Pigsy   可否再加一个“炉火”   Can you give me a Donkey Burger?   任凭你们随便说   Whatever you say   反正我就是吃货   I am a chowhound   有美味的馆子里   in the restaurant   最起码一大桌   Many delicious foods are on the table   别总是小心翼翼的   Don't always with great care   人生在世为吃喝   Our life is for food and drink   摆正心态最重要   Have a positive attitude is very important
上一篇:英文字母歌歌词   下一篇:2014年巴西世界杯主题曲双语歌词:We Are One

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