1、There are just no shortcuts to success. Shortcuts make you fail.
2、 A journey to reach 10000 miles starts just with a single step. If you don’t make your first step, you can’t reach the destination!
3、 We need not teach kids the lessons of life, rather they teach the adults! Forgive and Forget,They forgive you even if you made them feel bad and simply forget it! The secret to happy life!
4、 Kids never remember you for the value of precious things or any materials you provide them, but they adore you for the great feeling you made them cherish!
5、 The expensive and precious diamonds are nothing but the mere coal that underwent immense pressure. Undergoing and experiencing all sorts of difficulties make us shine like diamonds.
6、The more and more you learn, a lot you will experience and explore, the less you will make mistakes! Learning is infinite.
7、Happiest people are not those who have the best, rather they see the best in everything.
8、It is impossible to stop the waves, but can easily learn to swim over and surf the sea!
9、Violence shelters in the house of incompetence.
10、 Millions of geniuses die without discovering their talents. Don’t join the millions, be unique and discover your hidden talent.
11、Have faith in everything, it makes all things possible!
12、The safest place for birds is its cage, but staying all the time in the cage won’t let it grow!
13、Never argue with a fool. They may pull you down and make others find no difference, beat you with their experience.
14、Everything will be fine in the end. If you don’t feel fine, then it is not the end.
15、 Yesterday was a bad day. Today was moderately difficult. Tomorrow will be good and great. Always remember bright days are ahead.