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发布时间:2015-12-02 14:55:01 访问次数:952次

China's soil pollution: It's much worse than you think


When the Chinese government completed its first national soil pollution survey in 2005, the findings were so alarming that Beijing promptly declared the data a "state secret."


Chinese leaders apparently changed their minds and, a few days ago, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Land Resources jointly announced the key results of the 2005 survey.

现在中国领导人显然改变了主意。几天前,环境保护部(the Ministry of Environmental Protection)和国土资源部(the Ministry of Land Resources)联合发布了2005年调查的主要结果。

While the rare display of transparency from the Chinese government merits applause, the admission that close to 20% of China's arable land has been contaminated by heavy metal not only demonstrates the severity of China's environmental degradation but also has profound economic and geopolitical consequences for the international community.


Before Beijing's latest disclosure, the most pessimistic estimate of China's soil pollution suggested that perhaps up to 10% of China's arable land had been contaminated. Now, the official data show that the actual amount of polluted land is twice as large. Roughly 66 million acres of arable land are laced with dangerous chemicals and should be taken out of agricultural production. The Chinese government has set 300 million acres of arable land as the minimum amount of land needed to ensure the country's food security. As of 2012, China had 334 million acres of arable land. If the 66 million acres of polluted land were to be declared unfit for food production, the total amount of arable land would fall 32 million acres below Beijing's self-defined "red line."


Due to its large population and land scarcity, the amount of arable land on a per capita basis in China is only half the global average. Since China launched its modernization drive 35 years ago, urbanization, industrialization, and rising consumption have further reduced available arable land and increased demand for food production. Although Chinese agricultural output has grown by a factor of 4.5 in this period, demand growth has outpaced production. As a result, Chinese imports of food, particularly grain, have risen rapidly. In 2011, China imported 9.9 million tons of grain. Last year, China imported 22.8 million tons, roughly 7% of total global grain imports. According to the OECD, China imported 6.2% of its food in 2001. That figure rose to 12.9% in 2012.


If anything, this trend will only accelerate in the future if soil pollution forces China to take land out of production and rely on imports to make up for the shortfall. Although Beijing will have ample financial means to pay for its food (it had a net trade deficit of $31 billion in agricultural products in 2012), its efforts to source food from abroad will have disruptive effects on a global food production system that will come under increased strain due to climate change, population growth, and industrialization. In a worst-case scenario, Chinese attempts to increase its food security could encounter an ugly backlash abroad.


Most likely, Chinese officials and private entrepreneurs will pursue strategies that promise to deliver quick results to plug the growing hole in China's food output. Buying well-established Western food companies that own or have access to clean land and water supplies is evidently a tempting tactic. In May 2013, Shuanghui International, a Chinese pork producer, paid $4.7 billion for Smithfield Foods, then the world's largest hog farmer and meat processor. This acquisition, a brilliant business move in its own right, also has the practical effect of strengthening China's food security.

中国官员和民营企业家更有可能寻求立竿见影的措施,以填补中国粮食产量的缺口。收购成熟的西方食品公司(它们拥有或能够获得清洁土地和水资源)显然是一个诱人的策略。 2013年5月份,中国猪肉生产商双汇国际(Shuanghui International)以47亿美元的价格收购了当时全球最大的养猪及猪肉生产企业史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods)。此次收购本身是极为成功的商业举措,但同时也在实际上增强了中国的粮食安全性。

China can also build food-processing factories or acquire such facilities in countries with ample arable land and water resources (preferably countries that welcome and protect foreign investments). In March, a top Chinese baby formula maker, Synutra International, broke ground on a $125 million facility in Brittany in France. It will produce high-quality milk products for the Chinese market, where locally made baby formula is viewed as unsafe because of pollution. Acquiring established food producers and investing in food processing facilities are better options than purchasing arable land abroad (which is more politically sensitive and economically risky).

中国也可以建立食品加工厂,或者在耕地和水资源充足的国家收购这类工厂(最好是欢迎、保护外国投资的国家)。今年3月份,中国一线婴儿配方奶粉生产商圣元国际(Synutra International)首开先河,投资1.25亿美元在法国布列塔尼半岛开工兴建奶粉工厂,为中国市场生产高品质奶制品。由于污染问题,中国民众认为国内生产的婴儿配方奶粉不安全。购买国外耕地政治上更敏感,经济风险也更大。相比之下,收购成熟的食品生产商以及投资于食品加工厂是更好的选择。

At the moment, such moves by Chinese companies have been modest. They have raised eyebrows, but not alarms. However, in the future, if soil pollution causes the Chinese public to lose confidence in the safety of food produced in China, Beijing may have no choice but to expand its efforts, which could be viewed as a threat to food security by foreign nations.


While China's need for food security is understandable and will create enormous opportunities for countries with excess production capacity, Beijing must move carefully. It must devise credible and enforceable safeguard mechanisms that will reassure its trading partners. Otherwise, foreign governments will erect barriers to stymie Chinese efforts.


In light of China's massive soil pollution, such a development would be an epic catastrophe.


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