春暖花开,不仅万物复苏了,我们也该出去锻炼锻炼身体,活络活络筋骨了。 但是在中国,春天的到来是一个好消息的同时也有一个坏消息,那就是雾霾开始肆意猖獗了。 那么对于不健身会死星人,不想待在压抑密闭的室内健身,在雾霾天里是否可以选择在户外健身呢? 曾经小牛英语也怀疑过,但是根据最新调查,即使在雾霾天,适当的户外锻炼也是没问题的。 所以,健身汪们,就大胆尽情地迈开步伐吧! Walking or cycling is good for you even in polluted ci http://m.niuyingyu.cn/gzyy/gaoyi/yuedu/1400.html | |
危害眼睛的因素The Factors Hurting The Eyes:本文由作文地带整理分享,希望各位网友喜欢。
When we look around the classroom, we may find that there are many students wearing glasses, they get short-sight. Many years ago, before the popularity of c... http://www.joozone.com/gaokao/803268.html | |
如何提高英语听力How to Improve English Listening:本文由作文地带整理分享,希望各位网友喜欢。
English is one of our main subjects, we learn English since we go to school, we have learned the grammar, the structure and its tense. But the listening part... http://www.joozone.com/gaokao/803269.html | |
天堂 The Heaven:本文由作文地带整理分享,希望各位网友喜欢。In the book, All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, author Robert Fulghum provides a blueprint for this simplification and helps me to paint some conte... http://www.joozone.com/gaokao/803158.html | |
给幸福一个机会Give Happiness a Chance:本文由作文地带整理分享,希望各位网友喜欢。
He and she were sitting face to face. At this moment, the landlord came in and asked, “Are you sure you do not rent the house anymore?”He kept si... http://www.joozone.com/gaokao/803159.html | |
上一篇:贝尔法斯特女王大学发布与中国大学合作的... 下一篇:高中英语演讲,优秀的开场白应该这么说