《The Simple Path to Wealth》作者 JL·柯林斯
《I Will Teach You To Be Rich》作者 拉米特·塞西
《Think and Grow Rich》作者 拿破仑·希尔
《Broke Millennial》作者 艾琳·洛瑞
《Retire Before Mom and Dad》作者 罗伯·伯格
《The Automatic Millionaire》作者 大卫·巴赫
《When She Makes More》作者 法诺什·托拉比
《You Are a Badass at Making Money》作者 简·西恩罗
《Financially Fearless》作者 阿拉里克西亚·冯·托贝尔
《Get a Financial Life》作者 Beth Kobliner
《Women & Money》作者 苏西·欧曼
《The Millionaire Next Door》作者 托马斯·J·斯坦利
《The Financial Diet》作者 切尔西·费根、劳伦·维尔·哈格
《Your Money or Your Life》作者 维琦·罗宾
《Spend Well, Live Rich》 by米歇尔·辛格尔特里
无论你是想早点退休,还是想长期积累财富,还是想与家人讨论钱的问题,抑或只是从不同的角度看待钱,人生的每个阶段和每个金钱目标都有相应的书籍。这些书都是由Personal Finance Insider团队精心挑选出来的:一些是我们个人的最爱,一些是我们一直在谈论的,还有一些在亚马逊上的评论和评级确实令人印象深刻。
These are the best personal finance books for 2020:
"The Simple Path to Wealth," by JL Collins
"I Will Teach You To Be Rich," by Ramit Sethi
"Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill
"Broke Millennial," by Erin Lowry
"Retire Before Mom and Dad," by Rob Berger
"The Automatic Millionaire," by David Bach
"When She Makes More," by Farnoosh Torabi
"You Are a Badass at Making Money," by Jen Sincero
"Financially Fearless," by Alexa Von Tobel
"Get a Financial Life," by Beth Kobliner
"Women & Money," by Suze Orman
"The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley
"The Financial Diet," by Chelsea Fagan and Lauren Ver Hage
"Your Money or Your Life," by Vicki Robin
"Spend Well, Live Rich," by Michelle Singletary
March 2020 is quickly becoming a month of social distancing and, in turn, an abundance of free time.
There's no doubt that this spring will have a bit more down time than normal. But, it's the perfect opportunity to download that book you've been wanting to read and learn something new, especially when it comes to your finances.
There are books out there for every stage of life and for every money goal, whether you want to retire early, build wealth for the long term, start conversations about money with your family, or just see money from a different point of view. These titles were handpicked by the Personal Finance Insider team: some of our personal favorites, some we're always talking about, and some with truly impressive Amazon reviews and ratings.
From timeless advice to detailed budgeting breakdowns for millennials, here are Business Insider's top 15 personal finance books for 2020.
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